Monday, January 20, 2014

This Little Light of Mine

I'm gonna let it shine. A childs song that I have never given much thought to as an adult, has so much meaning. In our small group at church yesterday morning we talked about letting our light shine. I couldn't get that topic out of my head, so I took it as Gods way of telling me I should do my blog post on that. So, I'm obeying him. 

Some of the verses from the song:
This little light if mine, 
I'm gonna let it shine. 

Hide it under a bushel -NO! 
I'm gonna let it shine. 

Don't let Satan blow it out.
I'm gonna let it shine. 

Let it shine till Jesus comes.
I'm gonna let it shine. 

This little light if mine, 
I'm gonna let it shine. 

If we call ourselves Christians, then we should be shining bright for Jesus! We can't sit on the couch and do nothing and expect people to see Jesus in us. We have to let our light shine, whether it's being a prayer warrior in your church that people trust, singing, and helping in children's ministry at church. Those things are amazing, but your light needs to shine outside of church as well.

14You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16 

Serving others is a great way to spread the love of Jesus, working at a food pantry, or serving food to the homeless, when you're checking out at a store tell the clerk to have a blessed day with a smile on your face. Just having a positive attitude, and not complaining. You could speak at events, or start a small group out of your home, call people or send out nice cards of encouragement. There are so many ways to shine your light for Jesus, our precious savior! I have chosen to let my light shine through my blog, I'm not a speaker, maybe God will bless me with the courage to do so one day, but for now I will blog. 

I think also being an encouragement to others who are trying to be a light as well, tell them they are doing a great job, and that you are proud of them! 

I think non-Christians watch everything we do. If we act in ways we shouldn't, or say things we shouldn't say, they will wonder how we are different than them, and why they should be a Christian. If they see us joyful, humble, and full of love, their curiosity might get them thinking being a Christian must be great, they are so happy, I want to be like that. 

Our job here on earth is to first love Jesus, and then to love others. I'm sure Jesus never stayed still, he was always out helping others. So why should we sit still, Jesus loved us enough to die for us and we can't even tell other people about him, and shine our light! Don't discourage yourself or let the devil get you down and make you think you can't do it, or that's silly, or why would you do that. Believe me, it happens, a lot, every time I write a post, I think; is it good enough, did I say the right words, what will people think and say, I should delete this, it's not good. But I know if I listen to my thoughts, satan would have blown out my light or it would be hidden under a bushel. After I click publish, even though I had those thoughts, I feel accomplished, and proud of myself. Especially if people comment and I know I have touched others makes me feel great. 

So however you want to shine your light, shine it as bright as you can!! Don't hide it under a bushel or let satan blow it out. Jesus is watching us and he is proud if what work we do for him. 

Much Love,

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