Wednesday, January 22, 2014

P31W Wednesday #3

This week Sara gives P31W a name, she is calling her Martha 31 from now on. She thought of P31W as a modern day Martha Stewart, and I kind of agree. Sara tries really hard to cook more, and to get dinner done before her husband comes home. She achieved that goal, her husband was happy, and her son cleaned his plate. She felt like an accomplished Martha 31.

This week the questions are:
How do you prepare to receive your husband when he walks in the door? 
- I always try to have a smile on my face. I'll greet him with a hug, a kiss and a "how was your day?" I have learned to leave work at work, especially if I have had a bad day. I will eventually tell my husband what happened but I don't want to greet him with a bad attitude and put a damper in the rest if the night.

Do you notice a difference with him when your happy or cranky? 
- I have noticed a difference. There have been times when I was in a bad mood when my husband got home and his smile disappears, and the night is just blah. I didn't like that, eventually we would talk about what happened that day but time was wasted that could've been joyful and happy. I now, try to have a positive attitude all the time. My husband usually always comes home with a smile on his face so it makes it a lot easier. I just love him and his smile!!

What are some things you might do differently? 
- I wouldn't say I would do anything differently because I have already learnd my lesson. I would love to have dinner ready when my husband gets home but we both get off at the same time, so that's hard to do. 
Her children arise, and call her blessed; 
her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."
Proverbs 31:28-29

Martha 31, as Sara calls her, is a women if many wonderful traits. Reading this book makes me strive to be a better wife and to learn and do more. I'm not sure if I will ever live up to Martha 31 standards but I will try my best and as long as my husband is happy and I'm happy I think I'm doing a good job. 

I hope some of you are also reading the book and are learning to become the P31W! 

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