Friday, October 7, 2016

Birthday Promise

Today is my 27th Birthday.

27 years on this crazy earth, that's only getting crazier by the minute.

As my birthday was approaching, I had been reflecting on my life. What I have done, what I haven't done, what I want to do and what I never want to do again. I am married to my absolute best friend, we have the most wonderful little boy, we have a home, we have good jobs, we both have amazing families... we have a great life. As I was thinking of all good things in my life, I have to give my sweet Savior all of the glory, I wouldn't have any of it without Him.

While I thank Jesus for everything... it got me thinking. In my 27 years here on earth, what have I done for Jesus?? Yeah I go to church on Sunday, sing with the congregation, listen to the message, I pray but not as much as I should, I hardly read the Bible... I wish my answer was different but I'm not gonna lie. I'm ashamed that my list is so short of the things that I do for Jesus, a man that was beaten and died for me, that loves me even though I have failed him so much. A man that could take away everything that I listed that I have. Why haven't I done more for him? I can blame life, family, work, but there's really no excuse except for laziness. I want my son to learn and know anything and everything about God and the Bible, but how can I help him if I don't know these things myself. I need to be the example I want him to be and for my family and others to see. 

So with that being said for my birthday I promise to serve and honor Jesus more than I ever have. I have done things in my past that I am not proud of. I have failed myself, my family, my husband, my son and most of all my precious loving Savior. I started this blog over 2 years ago and it's been over 2 years since I posted anything on the blog. Many people have asked if I still blog or when my next post will be. I never thought it was going be such a blessing to people and it's also a way for me to serve and honor God, through the words he gives me.

I plan to blog more frequently, but I don't want to make any promises until I'm back in the swing of blogging again. I hope you all are excited as I am about my blog making it's return. Please pray for my Birthday promise.